Grain Recipe Kits

Cryogenic IIPA

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10 Litre Cryogenic IIPA (Milled)
$49.90 Special $46.90

Please ensure you select batch size and whether you want the grain crushed or kept whole
Beer Description

Strong tropical fruit aroma hits the snotter well before you even get this beer to your lips and so it should, with over 350g of hops, Citra Lupulin hops are accentuated with it's best mates Centennial and Simcoe. Once this Golden IIPA hits your mouth the fruitiness is enveloped by a strong malt backbone to a resinous and slightly sweet finish with passionfruit and lime the dominant hop flavours, it has little hop bite as most of the IBU's come from late hop additions and even though this mighty Ale comes in at 8.1% this beer is so well balanced it feels far less. Could be dangerous this one, but will well and truly be one of your favourites

Total Grain Weight: 3.84Kg

Gladfield American Ale
Weyermann Caramunich T2
Weyermann Carahell
Citra Lupuln
Beer Nutrient
Kettle Finnings

Makes: 10 Litres
Colour: Dark Golden
IBU: 75
OG: 1.072
FG: 1.011
ABV: 8.1%

NOTE: This recipe pack does not include yeast.
We suggest using either 1 pack of Whitelabs California Ale 1, 1 pack of Safale US-05 yeast, or 1 pack of Lallemand Bry-97. Yeast is in the quick add section below
Our recipe packs are packed on the day you order to ensure freshness of both grains and hops.

10 Litres

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