

$129.00 Special $99.00

Packed in 4x250g resealable packs. Only 10kg available. Orders Close 29/9, delivery mid-October

Introducing Alora™ –

A new aroma hop variety from the Hopsteiner Breeding Program formerly known as HS17701.

Alora™ is best known for her unique oil composition. Unlike most hop varietals that contain what we in the industry call the “big 8” oil groups (Pinene, Myrcene, Limonene, Linalool, Caryophyllene, Farnesene, Humulene, and Geraniol), Alora™ contains over 50% of unidentified total oil uncommon in hop chemistry. Further analysis has revealed a large percentage of this “unidentified” category type to be Selinene – a sesquiterpene rarely found in hops. This rare chemical trait found in Alora™ contributes to its unique flavor/aroma composition. Selinene is a low volatility compound that imparts distinct citrus character directly into finished beer and can be found in fruits such as Calamondin Oranges and Yuzu Fruit.

In addition to Alora’s™ unique oil composition is the elevated amount of thiol precursors, or more specifically, bound 3MH thiols found in Alora™. 3MH thiols are desired for their aroma/flavor contribution into finished beer. 3MH thiols are responsible for tropical fruit, passion fruit, and citrusy aroma/flavor. Other hop varieties containing elevated amounts of 3MH thiol precursors are Cascade and Calypso™, however not all hop varieties containing 3MH precursors are necessarily equal. For instance, the amount of 3MH is an important distinction. For instance, Alora™ contains 5X the amount of 3MH precursor thiols than that of Cascade (amount may vary from crop year to crop year).

Along with Alora’s™ distinct oil and thiol profile, it is also one of the most carbon footprint friendly hops grown to date largely due to its genetic makeup. Alora™ was bred using genetic markers to select multiple disease resistance traits, resulting in stacked disease resistance. What this means is that Alora™ has multiple layers of durable plant host protection from mildews, ultimately reducing chemical fungicide applications commonly required.

The name Alora™ is of Latin origin meaning “beautiful dream, dreamlike, or divine light.” As Harriet Tubman said, every great dream begins with a dreamer….or in this case a brewer and we’re sure you’ll craft the beer of your dreams with this out-of-this-world hop.

Unique Oil Content: Over 50% of total oils are Selinene – a sesquiterpene rarely found in hops.

Flavor and Aroma Profile: Alora boasts a tantalizing blend of peach, apricot, sweet melon and yuzu fruit. It’s perfect for a wide range of beer styles, from IPAs to light lagers.

Alpha acid %: 