Guten Pump Filter
Guten Pump Filter $14.90
Keg King Guten Brewery Pump Inlet Filter - New Design 2021
Made of stainless steel and 1mm stainless mesh, they fit directly in to the the pump intake hole at the base of the brewery system kettles.
These filters now inlcude a 90 degree elbow and a much longer 85mm stainless mesh surface area.
While these are useful in reducing the amount of solid material moving into the pump, they do not work as a substitue for our Stainless Steel Standing False Bottoms or Hop Spider.
This filter suits our current 40L & 70L model Guten Breweries.
These filters are not suitable for the smaller pump intake hole in the base of our current Guten 50L Brewery systems or our older model 40L and 50L systems that came with glass lids.