Taproom Vienna Lager
The Tap Room Series consists of truly limited-edition styles of single can home brewing beer kits; Muntons have only produced 1000 kits of each of these. Perhaps you could be one of the lucky few to try every style? Muntons has worked closely with art enthusiasts within the home brewing community to give the packaging an artistic flair with each label featuring competition winning designs. The combination of unique artwork and innovative product perfectly reflecting the playful vibe of a community that is very serious about making their own outstanding beer! Each beer will explore a different flavour palate and style.
In 1841, Anton Dreher became the “King of Beer” when he revolutionised brewing by combining lightly kilned (Vienna) malt with lager yeast. In doing so, he introduced a toasted, clean, and crisp beer that would grow to become one of the most popular beer styles across the continent. Our version: MaltZeit is made with 100% Vienna Malt, keeping it as true as possible to Anton’s vison for the style almost 200 years ago. It’s smooth, malty, and slightly toasted notes provide a crisp European lager enhanced by the included 30g Hallertau dry hops pellets. Makes 35 pints of approx. 5% ABV lager. Requires the addition of 1kg Muntons Spraymalt or brewing sugar (purchased separately).