Black Rock Dry Lager
Black Rock Dry Lager is a light coloured, refreshing (dry) lager with a crisp clean finish. Brew with 1kg Brewing Sugar for a crisp lager finish. For more body, colour and malt flavour use 1.7kg Black Rock Ultralight unhopped malt extract instead of sugar.
Typical Analysis: 6+/-2 EBC (Colour), 16+/-2 EBU (Bitterness)
This kit requires either Dextrose, an enhancer or an additional can of plain malt extract.
To obtain optimal results it's also recommended to change the yeast. If you have a temperature controlled environment we recommend the Saflager S-23 for Lagers, and W-34/70 for Pilsners.
If you don't have any temperature control then you can replace the yeast that comes with the kit with Safale US-05.
Malt: 100% Lager malt
Hops, Bittering: Green Bullet, Pacific Gem